Friday, December 9, 2011

Veteran's Benefits & Medi-Cal (Medicaid) Benefits

Welcome to LA LAW Center, LLP! We are launching our new Blog and Information Campaign in an effort to educate anyone that is or has a loved one entering into the phase of life where long term care issues and paying for this care is of concern.


We want to remember all of our US Veterans for their contributions, bravery and sacrifices to maintain our freedom in the United States of America!

As part of the legal work at LA LAW Center, LLP, our staff is proud to support Veterans that need to qualify for the Aid & Assistance Program offered by the Veteran’s Administration and make sure that all Veterans are also being qualified for the future needs of Medi-Cal. We also fear that many Veterans are being taken advantage of by Insurance Agents that are only looking for a short term solution to care issues with Veterans by selling annuities that do not qualify for Medi-Cal.

A housebound or assisted living facility Veteran that needs assistance financially to pay for care, has a 90% probability of needing to go on to skilled nursing home care within 2 to 3 years. The cost of nursing home care in California averages over $6,000 per month or $81,000 per year.  A Veteran may enter a nursing home within 2.5 years prior to passing away.  Based on these facts, it is expected that the veteran's family will need to apply for Medi-Cal (Medicaid) benefits to pay the nursing home costs.

Medi-Cal has a penalty period of ineligibility if a senior has given away any assets within five years of applying for Medicaid assistance id not transferred properly.  This means that if you or your loved one does not get the advice of an elder law attorney and relies on the advice of an annuities sales person and transfer assets to qualify for Aid and Attendance, this could make the patient ineligible for Medi-Cal.

We predict that 90% of living Veterans Aid & Assistance claimants will need Medi-Cal in less than 5 years.

WARNING!!  When a Veteran gives away assets to qualify for VA benefits, he/she may be setting a MEDI-CAL PENALTY TIME BOMB!  If you know want to understand how to qualify for Veterans and Medi-Cal benefits…. But aren't sure what to do, call LA LAW at 877.357.8283 we offer a free phone consultation.

For more information, please go to our web site to the Veteran’s page and we also have an article from the AARP regarding Veterans Seminars for Aid & Assistance & Medi-Cal.

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