Monday, January 14, 2013

2013 New Limits for Medi-CAL & VA Benefits

January 14, 2013

We have new limits to the Medi-CAL program and the VA Aid and Attendance program for 2013.  It is important to know these new numbers when considering applying for these programs in California.

Medi-CAL (Medicaid in any other US state) and the Veteran’s Aid and Attendance are needs based programs and have defined income and asset limitations.  These numbers connected with the Social Security cost of living increases.  There was a 1.7% cost of living increase for Social Security this year. The following are other benefit increases to long term care related Medi-CAL and VA benefits: 

2013 VA Benefit Increases
The VA Aid & Attendance rates have increased this year too.  A single veteran qualifying for Aid and Attendance benefits has increased to a maximum of $1732 of tax free income.
The widowed spouse of a veteran has increased up to $1,112 of tax free income.
A married veteran who needs care can qualify for as much as $2053 per month of tax free income. 

2013 Assets be Counted for Qualifying for Medi-CAL
The applicant countable assets remained at less than $2000 in order to qualify for Medi-CAL. The good news is a married couple with one person needing the Medi-CAL program to help pay for nursing home care, the healthy spouse total asset amount has increased to $115,920. Many think both spouses have to be below $2,000 and must spend all of their savings on care before Medi-Cal will help. This is simply not true and if this is followed it can be devastating to the well spouse.

2013 Medi-CAL Income Rates have Changed
The minimum amount of the couple’s combined income for the benefit of the Well Spouse has increased to $2,898. If the Well Spouse’s separate income is less than a minimum amount ($2,898 per month), then a portion of the Medi-CAL Applicant Spouse’s income may be transferred to the Well Spouse to bring the monthly income up to the minimum levels. This can be increased by having an elder law attorney go to court to request additional living expenses through a 3100 Petition.

For more information about whether California’s Medi-CAL program or VA Aid & Attendance benefits may be available to you or your loved one contact please go to or call us at 877-537-8283 or 818 241 4238. We offer free consultations on the phone or by appointment in our Glendale CA offices.

1 comment:

  1. People who are planning to rely on Medi-cal should keep abreast with the recent updates on policies. This is to help them figure out if they will qualify for this program so that if not, they can start looking for other long term care insurance options that can provide them coverage
